This arises from a successful motion to the GUI AGM put forward by the Leinster Provincial Council.

The motion was: “In order to be eligible to compete in all Singles Qualifying Competitions at an away club, with the exception of all events listed in No 6 of the Union Bye-Laws, a member of a GUI-affiliated golf club must have competed in at least three singles qualifying competitions at his home club on or after January 1 in the previous calendar year.”

The motive behind the motion was: “A further fundamental basis of the UHS (Unified Handicapping System) is that every player will return a sufficient number of qualifying scores to provide reasonable evidence of current ability.

“Thus, by returning a minimum of three qualifying scores at his home club, annually, the player’s handicap committee and peer information will better contribute to keeping the player’s handicap under review leading to a more equitable handicapping system.”

As the motion to the AGM was passed, it comes into effect from January 1, 2015.